This is the official year of the official launch of this website and boy, has it been a long time coming, but I thank God for patience, resources, great friends, direction and a vision!
The vision of My Jesus Peace is to bring up our generation to be BOLD for the Kingdom and to be a bright light in the midst of a dark world, representing the message of Jesus Christ in every aspect of our lives. Walking in boldness for The Kingdom and resting in His perfect peace.
‘The fear that once held us now gives way to Him who is our peace...’
My Jesus Peace.
Not piece.
So, a little clarification! A Jesus piece is a religious piece of jewelry (usually a gold/silver necklace with the head of Jesus on it) that, over the past years, has represented some type of ‘peace’ that anybody, religious or not, can wear. It has been represented not only as a symbol of ‘peace’, but also as a fashion statement or a sign of wealth worn notoriously in the hip-hop industry. Almost an idol, right?
But there’s only ONE PEACE and luckily, we don’t have to spend $3,000 on it!
That is the PEACE of God. The PEACE of Jesus Christ! And it is a permanent peace that cannot be mocked or manipulated. The peace of God that is represented and shared through MyJesusPeace.com.
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." - John 14:27
This is a Kingdom business centered around a Kingdom purpose for the Kingdom. So custom shirts will be welcomed soon, however they must be centered around our Lord and Savior. After all, He is the foundation of this masterpiece and without Him, there will be nothing, no fruit!
“Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain…”. – Psalm 127:1
The items sold on My Jesus Peace are all personally made, designed, and shipped.
Starting small with t-shirts, decals, mugs and such, in a few months, the website will be taking an additional step further into jackets, hats, shoes, and bags!
The goal?
The plan?
Advancing the Kingdom one soul at a time and preaching/sharing an uncompromising gospel through our clothing. Yes. Let people ask questions. Let people be confused at first! Use the platform of your clothing as an opportunity to evangelize. Share the gospel. Be a light! In our generation, in this world, there’s so much sin and darkness; messages that promote self, wealth, a 'higher power' but little to no representation of Jesus Christ. Why must we be uncomfortable standing out for the Kingdom? Romans 12:2 tells us not to conform, right? If people stare at you because of your shirt, it’s okay!
But I promise you they’ll never forget that message.
So thank you all ahead of time for the support, the purchases, the referrals and the prayers!
May the peace of Jesus Christ fill you up this year as we walk boldly in our faith in Him!
“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”. – Philippians 4:7